Discover the different areas that we have available for you to take your next steps in the ministry that fits you best.
Membership in The United Methodist Church
We thank God every time we welcome a new member in our church family. If you want to join Camilla United Methodist Church, please let the pastor know either before or after any Sunday morning service. You can also call the church office to arrange a meeting with our pastor.
You can become a member of our church by one of these four different ways:
(1) By a Profession of faith – For those who’ve never been baptized or have been baptized, but never officially joined a church.
(2) By Transfer – For baptized believers coming from another denomination or transferring from another United Methodist Church.
(3) As an Affiliate Member – For baptized, professing members of another United Methodist Church temporarily away from their home church who want to officially connect with a church closer to them.
(4) As an Associate Member – For non-United Methodists living away from their home church. They have been baptized, joined another Christian denomination, and want to retain their current denominational affiliation but want to officially connect with a church closer to them.
If you are interested in learning about baptism or being baptized fill out the form below:
Lead a Sunday School class or get plugged into one and find out how you can help serve. You don't have to have it all together to lead a Sunday School class or to teach on occasion. We'd love to have you help! Please fill out the form below and we will contact you about how you can get started.
Small groups are less about what you do and more about who you do it with. We need to have community and relationships with others, that's why we like to have small groups. Small groups are an opportunity for you to find real life change and healing by connecting with others who provide a place for you to get real and get to know God more. Sign up to host or lead a small group by filling out the form below and we will get in contact with you.
Confirmation is the next step after declaring faith in Christ. Confirmation is an opportunity to respond to the grace of God that is available to us, as acknowledged in baptism, and to promise to live as a person of faith. If you are interested in learning more and/or confirming your faith, fill out the form below:
If you have an interest in music and worship, we would love to have you join one of our worship teams. Our Warehouse service has a contemporary band and music each week. Our traditional service has a choir with organs and piano each week. Fill out the form to learn more about our music and worship departments and how you can serve, whether by playing an instrument, singing with the choir, or singing with the worship team.
We love our students at CUMC and could always use help with feeding, hosting, teaching, and serving our students. We have a Sunday School class, a small group, and a Sunday night service each week. If you'd like to volunteer with our teenagers, fill out the form below and we will contact you!
Our kids department meets every week during the school year and is always looking for volunteers to help encourage and build relationships with our kids to set the foundation for their lives. If you are interested in serving in the kids' department, please fill out the form below.

We provide the nursery for infants and young children during our Sunday services and Sunday school. The nursery is also available during the Kids' Program on Wednesday nights. If you enjoy taking care of babies and playing with them, we would love to have some volunteers serve with our nursery staff during these services.
If you have a knack for cooking or baking, we would love to have you serve in our kitchen. We have weekly meals on Wednesday night from September-May and occasionally have breakfast and lunches throughout the year. If you are interested in volunteering in our kitchen department, please fill out the form below.
Friday Night Hut is our recovery support group that meets weekly. If you would be interested in volunteering with them or bringing snacks or drinks. Please fill out the form below and we will be happy to have you help!